Make a Difference

By giving of your time and resources, you are participating in a life-changing experience for a student to grow in their faith while also investing in your local community.

Ways to partner with Soul in the City:

  1. Donate Food and Supplies
    A list of needed supplies will be posted during a Sunday service in June.

  2. Give Financially
    Financial donations will be used to purchase needed supplies and camp expenses. Checks can be made out to “Grace Anglican Church” with “Soul in the City donation” in the memo line. These can be brought to the church office. If electronic payment, make payable to Grace Anglican Church, 5804 Highway 17, Fleming Island with “Soul in the City Donation” in the memo.

  3. Sponsor a Student
    If you would like to give directly to a student that requests financial aid, checks can be made out to “Grace Anglican Church” with “Soul in the City Scholarship” in the memo line.

  4. Serve
    Serve sign ups will be posted in May.

Please email Jack McNeil, Director of Youth and Families, with any questions.
